OWA unable to login - Exception type: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ConnectionFailedTransientException

Hi Folks,

Today Morning got call helpdesk team, mails unable to send/receive for multiple users..

I was watching TV my favourite show.. on Discovery.. :(  I was just open my laptop and start open OWA of company with credential ooops.... I got an error...

Exception type: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.ConnectionFailedTransientException

In this error showing that issue with data-storage.

I connect to company network using VPN, As error I just went to my Mailbox server. (Having exchange  2007 CCR)

1. I logged to my Mailbox server and open clustadmin from command prompt.
2. there was red cross on first storage group....
3. then I went to my computer and checked ... Disk space was low.. low..

4. for time being I just stopped my indexer service and delete all index catlog folder....
    it's just increase my storage space on mailbox server.

5. cluster group bring on line.... Mails working fine ..

RCA... on 22nd Feb my switch was went in hung state and that time my cluster was down for 30 min... in that period my transaction logs ware not replicate over passive copy so after backup tran. logs not purged so increased disk space and cluster goes down...



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