Where does Exchange store Exchange related data in Active Directory.

As a prerequisite step of the Exchange 2003 install process you have to perform a setup “/forestprep” and followed by a setup “/domainprep”. But why? And what does this do?

If you look at the above table you can see that there are a number of AD partitions that are used by exchange. Some of the AD partitions are forest wide and some domain wide. Therefore the “/forestprep” populates the Schema and configuration partitions and “/domainprep” populates the domain partition.

For the option “/forestprep”, this makes changes to the configuration partition and extends the Schema partition to allow exchange attributes to be added. “/Forestprep” also creates the Exchange Administrator object and gives permissions to that object.

But what about “/domainprep”? And why would you need to run it on the parent domain and the child domain?

The only reason you normally have to run /”domainprep” in the parent domain is if you have any Global Catalogue servers installed there and, of course an exchange environment. If you do then, you will need to “/domainprep” the parent domain. In fact any domain that you have or want to have an exchange environment in, you need to run “/domainprep”.

The “/domainprep” command does very little. All it does is create 2 groups and adds an object. Thats why it runs so quick.
How do you know if its worked ok?

You can have a look at the attributes with ADSIEdit. But because this tool only access the Schema partition, its not the whole story. There is an option given to the exdeploy.exe command. This is OrgPrepCheck. This tool is on the CD that you install Exchange from. . This command runs from the command line. The syntax for this command is this: \support\exdeploy\exdeploy.exe /gc: /t:OrgPrepCheck

There is a log file to be had once this command has run. It should be in c:\exdeploy. What you are looking for is errors. You should get 2 lines that say, “OrgCheck completed successfully” and “PolCheck completed successfullt”.

However, you should only check for OrgPrepCheck after AD has replicated the “/forestprep” and “/domanprep”.


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